Trends to keep in mind when buying table cloths

Whether you are buying table cloths for a special occasion or otherwise, the general trend these days is to find tablecloths that will really stand out in a dining room. Of course, the basic function of a tablecloth hasn’t really changed all that much over the years in serving as a cover for the table.

However, tablecloths are now being designed in bold color and with heavy fabrics in order to keep up with the times. And if that’s not enough from an aesthetic point of view, you will find that table overlays, which are available in a host of color and shapes, can also add to the décor as well.

When it comes to round tablecloths, one observable trend is the comeback of vintage patterns in the form of old-fashioned Art Deco or Art Nouveau patterns, or even bright, geometric patterns from the 1970s. Despite the fact that these designs and patterns are mass-produced, they will still give an impression of being found in a secondhand shop.

Another important trend is that of using the material to make tablecloths that will not get dirtied or messed up easily, and if you must use the best tablecloth (say, for a special occasion such as a dinner party) then a PVC or vinyl coated covering might just do the trick. It will also be a good idea to purchase a cover chair or two that will match the color of your tablecloth for the evening, considering that it is an accepted trend for special occasions.

Finally, it’s most important to remember to purchase round tablecloths made of new material instead of vintage ones, as they will be easier to maintain and the dyes used for newer designs of table cloths will last longer.